I am giving myself the challenge of consciously choosing to randomly do at least one thing kind and loving for someone as often as I can, and I will be sharing those moments here in the hopes that it will inspire someone else to do the same. Hopefully others will take up the challenge!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Make A Wish Experience (guest post)

Here is a guest post from Constanza Ehrenhaus. Constance is a freelance illustrator who loves fantasy art, cooking and is now also a stay home mom. Her art can be found in several websites, including Deviantart and she writes a blog focused in art and cooking. Soon she will also be blogging about saving the environment and your money at Sensibly Green.

Until I got pregnant with my first child I was a volunteer for Make a Wish. Make a Wish is a foundation that grants wishes to children that have a life threatening disease and that is a cause I can identify with. They work hard to bring those children and their families a happy experience away from the doctors, medicine and hospitals.

One time we had to work with this 6 year old girl who had leukemia. Her wish was to go on a shopping spree, and one of the things shopping sprees include is going to dinner with your family to a restaurant of your choice. She chose to go to Red Lobster, in Monroeville, PA. Once we were done shopping, the other volunteer and I rushed to the red lobster to prepare an extra surprise for that girl; it was her birthday and we had cake, balloons and decorations for her. I had called in advance explaining to the manager that we were fulfilling a wish and they were waiting for us. They gave us a special table, gave us special attention, and, once we started singing the happy birthday, all of the Red Lobster staff came out singing happy birthday to this little girl! They had gathered in the back of the kitchen and put some money together to give her as a gift. This spontaneous demonstration moved me very much. They all wanted to be part of that very special moment.

Once we were done and the family was ready to go back home, the other volunteer and I started to pick up the mess left after the small celebration. Once more the staff came out, the manager and the waiters, and they thanked us for what we were doing! They started to tell us how great we were; one of the waiters had previously had a great experience with Make a Wish because his little sister had been very sick before, and they started to share stories. I was so touched by their generosity and amazing attitude, after all they had done for us and that girl, they came to say thank you.

I have no words to describe the incredible sensation of happiness and warmth that they made me feel. They are the kind of people that give me hope for this world, and I hope they are blessed threefold for their acts of love that day.

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